I am so sorry to read of this sad news. I had the pleasure of meeting you and you first mate and side kick, Skipper up in the panhandle of Florida about 12 years ago. Keeping you in my thought. 💔
A relationship with a dog can be beyond special, beyond even ordinary Love. I know that what you and Skipper had was the purest form of Love that life offers. I am happy that you two had each other and that you shared a wonderful life together. She was an amazing little bundle of joy each day for you and I am so sorry that she is gone. May God bless Skipper and may God bless you. This site is an inspiration to me each time I go to it and read your thoughts. Thank you for writing these articles and for sharing your life with us. SID and Mr. Snack
Dear Janice, I am so sorry. Pets fill such a huge need for those of us who are lonely, and it is so hard when they go before us.
It feels like only yesterday, or possibly last month. I remember how nice your boat is too. Thank you for your message. Skipper was soecial and I was fortunate to have her. Thank you Marsha for your kind message. J.
Thanks to you and your Sid for the nice message. No doubt you may have noticed the crocs posted to my website. Ugh!!!! I know I'm probably the only person on the planet who thinks they feel weird, not to mention the anesthetics. Skipper loved you and Sid, and chicken. 😀
Thank you for your comment, and your many kindnesses. You're amazing. J.
I'm sorry for your loss...
Our pets are so important. Skipper was a big part of my social interactions... And yes I talked with her regularly. As for me, I am just so glad she was safely in my arms versus alone.
Skipper was a fully grown undernourished dog when we got her from the shelter. She weighed 3 pounds 4 ounces. Eventually she came up to her 5 pounds of fluff and love. I miss tucking her I my purse when leave Seaweed. Skipper cannot be replaced though I would like to have another 5 pound purse dog, someday.
You are correct in that the amount of companionship these little ones offer is simply amazing. I am grateful that we went to sleep, and just one of woke up. She would have been afraid and I don't know if she would ever understand. I can accept that burden knowing she had an amazing life after adoption. 🙂
Thank you Cap'n for your kind words. I admit I have spiraled. I do feel better having posted this tribute. Thankfully I have loads of pictures so she's still here. Gosh, just thinking back about the days of film... I would never have so many pictures. So I am pleased by that. Thank you again for your kindness Cap'n Coen.
It's been tough. She had a big heart and I am glad to have known her. Thank you for your message. Safe travels to you... J.
Well, I'm crying. My heart hurts for you, Janice. You gave Skipper a wonderful life and she knew she was loved dearly, every second of it. That's a wonderful gift to give. Big hugs for you. 🤗❤️️
I remember when you lost yours. The pain is real! A while back I watched a video of a gentleman with the tiniest chihuahua who took a bath, the was dried off. The chi put on the cutest itty bitty bathrobe. THAT reminded me of the sweaters and... well, I remembered how your care kept the kitty warm during the northern winters. Yours was well loved for certain.
Someday I want another little purse pup (2-5 years old so she'll be mellow/housebroken/and calm) ...someday... I am missing the social interactions. At night I still say "Let's go to our bunk" and it's just me. When I get back home I text "We're home safe and happy" and the "we" is only in my heart. It's so hard.
I remind myself how fortunate I am to have had Skipper. Posting this tribute has helped enormously. I'm pulling myself together slowly. Seaweed needs me too! She's messy as I have not put things away properly. Living in chaos makes writing difficult/impossible. This week is better. I am grateful. Time is working it's magic.
Thank you for your note Pam. I appreciate that. Your friend in the south, J.