Boat Buddies from Pam on 4 Apr '19

I think you've hit the nail on the head with this post, Janice. The perfect way to share the experience of life on the water, but also maintain your own special home and independence. By the way, the NorSea27's are cool boats. (I read up on them a few years ago when I perusing your boat list.)

The NorSea27 from Janice aboard Seaweed on 5 Apr '19

Gosh that was a pretty boat Pam. I'd read the blogs of Guinevere (if memory serves me) and their life. Then when I read about a family who made a passageway between the main salon and the aft cabin for their child (between engine and hull) I was doubly intrigued.

Still, I am ever so grateful that Seaweed is my home. Because she is the Last Boat, I have made choices that will enable me to live comfortably aboard her forever. Well, next is that Tuna Door in the transom. I have the hinges, but not yet a closure gizmo. (Saving up for something nice there. Climbing over the transom is not so easy, so having a step-through will be magnificent. As soon as I can afford it that is! Plus, I'll have to find someone to do the job.

Who knows when that will happen. In the meantime, my method is to first acquire the hardware/parts, and then the job. I made a cool as heck pair of shelves for my microgreens garden a few days ago. It is nice to have them on shelves though I have not yet done the fiddles to keep the trays (travel soap dishes!) in place. I'd like to get to one particular thrift store down here where I do well in finding soft goods. We shall see... there is always something and I'm going on a little trip next week so will have to make what I have work in the meantime. These half-finished projects are plaguing me!

Tomorrow is a new day. Saturday too. I hope your weekend is terrific. Here spring has arrived. After the chilly winter, I put all my cold weather stuff away -- just in time for one last cold snap. A couple days ago it got into the 50's (brrr) so I again got out a small quilt to keep us (Skipper sleeps under the covers too) warm.

Well, I'm rambling -- that's a sure-fire sign that I'm too tired to post. So good night and happiness to you. I appreciate your comments Pam. They are very motivating. Take care. J.

Love On Board from Captain Mick on 5 May '19

This is a great five part series on finding love while on board. It is obvious that you put SO much work, thought and effort into this. As someone who believes that he may have been lucky enough to find that special, amazing woman late in life I am grateful for all you have written here, and for everything else you do too. You have become a truly gifted and thoughtful writer. You have special insight into our human condition and into what we are all looking for. Please keep up the good work. I hope to read your writing for many years to come. Captain Mick.

Thank you Captain Mick from Janice aboard Seaweed on 10 May '19

I am pleased you found this series insightful. All the best to you and your new love too. Finding someone to share the journey with makes it all the better. Happy boating to you Sir.

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