Nice, short, useful, to-the-point article. Thank you from Hawaii.
Thank you for your comment. That was right nice of you. Hawaii is a beautiful island chain. Enjoy. J.
Hi, Janice. The Frozen mat is cute and performs its function. Win/win. :) How are things going for you on the healing front? I hope, good!
I sent you a long e-mail in responce to your hunting dogs article. Was it of any use to U?
Oh Sid... I am Honored that you would share your memories, and would like to turn your writing into a Guest Writer piece. Although not boat-related, it is so good I believe it should be shared. With your permission of course.
As long as I'm asking, any old photos (along with a current one of your latest dog) would be most welcome. I'm fascinated and hope others will share their remembrances too. Thank you.
And thanks too for the note so I could check my email. I'm Really far behind with it.
Thank you again for sharing your memories. I'll write privately too. J.
Thanks Pam... the arm is getting better. Sleep still eludes me -- at least not for long stretches. I seem to be getting more rest in naps so it all evens out in the end.
Of course stiffness too, however it has been nearly 6 weeks. The physical therapist suggested six to eight weeks for recovery. I however (because I'm Special - hahaha!) really did think I'd be all better in a month.
The one thing that is a-okay is my sense of humor! It is intact, which honestly is a necessity when past the half century mark.
I did go to the Dollar Tree just yesterday and the thin place mats are alas Gone. Over by the school supplies I found similar plastic on a one inch thick three ring binder. It is necessary (in my view that is) for the growing of microgreens. Here is your list:
#1) soap dishes (the travel ones with lids are ideal (3 or 2 for $1) #2) Paper towels - the cheap ones, 1/2 sheet size #3) plastic, cut just smaller than the interior of the soap container. (you want the travel version of soap dishes) #4) Tags from your bread bags (to label what you're growing.
I grow four varieties, so if you like them, you'll want three for each. A Dozen soap dishes.
I'm working on that article at present. Actually, I've got the next one almost finished about how to keep cool with an inadequate air conditioner. IT's hot here.
Thank you Pam for your note. Get shopping girl. :)
P.S. You could actually just get four soap dishes if you'd like to try before you set yourself up as a gardener. I actually grow three as sprouts. Four if you count the mung beans I grow for a neighbor. I'm not fond of mung beans myself but they are easy/inexpensive. Plus lentils (I forgot about them because they've been a staple for so long. Enough rambling. Thanks again for your note Pam... J.