Well, now that you know... from Keith Wolfe on 30 May '18

Well, now that you know drugs are bad we shall expect great things from you in the future. As a P.S. bunny trail, my CAPTCHA image to prove I am not a robot has the letters "tea". Since you are now educated about this thing by your government I will ask you, "Is tea a natural drug or just dirty water? (see definition of drug below) No matter, either way I like it and I know you do too. One dictionary defines a drug as: A medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

Boat Insurance from Mick on 30 May '18

First, congratulations on getting the comments section up and running. This is nothing short of terrific. Second,kudos (again) on pursuing insurance for you and Seaweed. Welcome to the modern world, eh? See you on the waterways. M.

Insurance from Sid Tracy on 30 May '18

My boat is insured through State Farm. They have always treated me fairly and never mentioned a drivers license.

Boat Insurance from Pam on 30 May '18

Drivers license for boat insurance; that's interesting. :) Love the photo of little Skipper. She looks to be totally enjoying herself doing the boat version of sticking her head out of the car window.

Insurance from Irene on Katja on 30 May '18

First of all Kudos to Ken! Boat insurance is with IMIS (International Marine Insurance Services). Switched to them 9 yrs ago, since Boat Us insisted I needed 4 folks onboard to go to Bermuda (bit crowded on a 32ft sail). Been very happy with IMIS. Great customer service, which included a lightning strike the first year I was with them.

My tea has caffeine Keith from Janice aboard Seaweed on 30 May '18

Caffeine makes my world a happy place Keith. It's good to see you. As usual your bride and family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks for your comment. Have a cuppa (as Bruce Van Sant would say) and I'll enjoy one as we enjoy our good fortunes. Jim Schucker made some great boats and we've got two of them. Quite a few are in this area.

Waving from Seaweed... J.

Thanks Mick from Janice aboard Seaweed on 30 May '18

Thank you Mick. Ken gets all the credit for making capcha appear. I am so relieved and happy to have them back.

As for insurance, that is the carrot at the end of the torturous process. Honesty, if anyone believes anybody will have an epiphany from said course, it is my belief they are partaking of particularly strong pharmaceuticals! Haha.

Life is great aboard Seaweed. Thanks for your comment. I appreciate your input. J.

Great information Cap'n Sid from Janice aboard Seaweed on 30 May '18

Thank you Captain Did. I'll look into State Farm too. Thanks for the lead.

I know Pam from Janice aboard Seaweed on 30 May '18

I had gone through the whole process and gotten a quote from BoatUS... Even had pulled out my credit card when the nice gal requested my driver's license. I thought it was for identification and offered Passport stuff. Nope. Had to be a car license. Crazy rules. So I am capitulating. And I'm Never at my best when forced to do anything senseless. Honestly I have zero intention of driving after I acquire said license. None.

of course I'm reminded of one of Daddy's favorite sayings...

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.

On the other hand this could be far worse I suppose. Were it not for the cancer, year of chemo and surgery I probably would have renewed the license. Once I bought my Seaweed it seemed pointless. No car, no reason to have a driver's license...

Such is life. It's hard to have a pity party when I'm sitting on a boat in Florida. The breeze is blowing and life is good. Looking forward to seeing you along the waterways one year too.

And thanks for your comments Pam. They really make my day. J.

You're correct Irene from Janice aboard Seaweed on 30 May '18

Not all rules make a lot of sense. You have to wonder at the reason behind said regulations. I'm glad IMIS has a more logic based policy for you.

Yes, Ken made it work. I am so happy. I know from my stats people come to the website however for me the interaction of community comments really makes my day. As much as I appreciate the folks who click my Amazon links (that helps the budget for certain) yet the comments keep me going. I need 'em. They make me happy.

As for me, I am going to price fiberglass and epoxy to repair Algae. It's time. Take care, and thanks for your message. Your friend on the west cost, J.

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