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Date: 25 April 2015. Car in the River.

© janice142

As many folks suspect, I am an inveterate watcher. One of the best parts about living life afloat is the ever-changing panorama that is right outside my windows. And just the other day I looked out and saw a car in the middle of the river. That is not a usual sight as you can well imagine. Of course, without pictures it never happened. So I have proof that my sanity is relatively intact:

That is Captain Russell of TowBoatUS. And I thought he only drove boats!

He stayed in the car until the mouth of the river. He then got into the towboat. Russell made sure that the boat, er car, was balanced before taking her over to Dog Island. Dog Island is a barrier island just outside in the bay.

Dog Island is south of Carrabelle, just outside the mouth of the Carrabelle River.


As you can see from my chart, there are notes about places in the area, anchorages and more. Chartkits and the charts become a record of our journey. When I am told something that might be useful later, I mark it down on the appropriate chart.

For instance, I know that Fathoms on the mainland in Carrabelle has a dock, and a steam room with oysters. They also have a live band on weekends, except in the winter. Food is okay, bands vary and of late they have been excellent. It is a friendly place.

This is Fathoms Bar:



Also, you'll note that there are no bridges to Dog Island. If you want a vehicle on the island you have to get it there, and Cap'n Russell is your man. He takes a lot of cool items over to the island including big refrigerators, cars and people too.

Captain Russell of TowBoatUS:

"Drove" the car on the pontoon boat.



Captain Mike was at the helm of the towboat.

I must say watching a boat tow a car is pure fun. Usually it's the other way around. And now, you too have seen life on the waterfront. It's never the same, that's for certain.

This day tickled my fancy for sure.


So if you sre in this area and want a car towed, keep BoatUS in mind. AAA cannot always do the job. Captains Russell and Mike (TowBoatUS) are available. Be sure to launch where I can get pictures. Thanks!

Have you ever seen an unusual towing job? What was it?
And, would you like living on an island where coming to the store meant hoping in a boat?

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