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Date: 20 November 2013. The Log Book.

© janice142

As the days grow cooler I tend to nest more and go to shore less frequently. That and my ice lasts longer too. Today is one of those blustery days that define autumn in the south. The skies were overcast but still bright, the weather is warm and, well, it was just about perfect. So rather than stay aboard Seaweed I went to shore.

This is the bottom scraper Daddy made at least 50 years ago.

Unfortunately I allowed someone to use my stainless steel scraper. That in and of itself was not a bad thing. What they did prior to returning was well-meaning but wrong. Instead of the long edge being beveled on both sides, they ground it down so it is only angled to one side. I am not happy. Consequently I need to put that edge on a bench grinder and fix it. Argh!!!

But I digress...
The trip to shore was not a pleasure trip. Algae had more than algae on her bottom so I brought my scraper and dragged the dink up on shore. Scrubbing off barnacles is not exactly the "Yachting Life" but it does need to be done semi-frequently.

And what you may ask is the Yachting Life? Well, that is a term my Daddy came up with for any boat chore that was particularly onerous. That would include such things as repairing the head, scrubbing the bottom of the boat, washing said boat, bringing trash to shore, hauling water to the boat, etc.

At 40' our boat required a lot of concerted effort to maintain her shipshape status.


Most folks have this ideal of a Yachting Life that includes pulling smartly into an anchorage, lowering the anchor, shutting down the engine and then pouring a cold one. With feet kicked back the others in said area will flock to the new boat, welcoming them into port and inviting the new arrival to dinner and over for adult beverages.

The message is the journey, we are sure the answer lies in the destination. But in reality, there is no station, no place to arrive at once and for all. The joy of life is the trip, and the station is a dream that constantly out distances us. Robert Hastings, The Station.

Well, I've only been out here for a bit over five years, and I will let you know if that ever happens. I shall not hold my breath!!! And even at those remote places, the folks that arrived before you had the same journey. Our accomplishments are not unique. Thus it is important to make the most of our experiences.


For instance, there is the story of a short cut that was not, though fun was had:

From my Log Book:

And the next page:


Therein a log book can be a great asset in recalling times past. Though I might be able to tell you about a saw sparkling waters today, I will not remember where I saw that tiny bird that rested in my cockpit for several hours one afternoon. That is where your log book can be a real boon!


Mine has not only engine hours (I have two tanks and record which tank and how many hours per so the fuel is used evenly) but also the cool stuff like "spotted an eagle" or "dolphin played today" ... and like above, it reminds me of the coolest stuff!

One day at anchor I spotted a dolphin that looked like it had a ring around it's middle at one time -- since removed by the looks of things. I still wish I knew whom to contact. Some rescue group no doubt saved and released this dolphin. Goodness knows if I had been involved I would have liked to know he was surviving and living well free. Maybe someone who visits my website will recall the dolphin and know that as of 12 January it was fat, feeding and healthy.

So, in addition to the "stuff" of log books, such as engine speed, RPMs, fuel fills and anchored here information I suggest you go so far as to make it your journal too. Draw pictures, even dorky ones! Someday you can pass along the memories to another generation. After all, I am following my roots having been born and raised aboard and perhaps in the future my grand-daughter will wish to travel these same waters.

And about Log Books -- most, specifically those sold by Defender and West Marine for two, are not "legal" in that the old maritime law calls for bound books with numbered pages. Yes, I am aware I am old-fashioned and that many find electronics the be-all and end-all of log making. However, if there is a dispute, mine is the one that meets the rules. So what one did I pick you may ask? I went to Amazon and bought a Record Book.

Log Book Choices:

I own the first one, though I wish I had purchased the middle book by Adams. If you like lots of pages, the third one is your best bet.

Affiliate Links

National Brand Record Book - 150 numbered pages, aka Log Book

Adams Log Book - 150 numbered pages

National brand Record Book - 300 numbered pages aka Log Book

That's it from the waterfront. If you have not bought a Log Book may I be so bold as to suggest you get a proper one with bound and numbered pages? Not that we did it mind you when I was a kid -- ours were a series of spiral notebooks so this is definitely a case of do as I do now, not then!

Do you have a log book for your boat?
Is it strictly where you go and stay, or do you get wordy like me?

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